Sunday 15 April 2012


This afternoon, Tim Allan walked into Milngavie Police Station.
Did he confess his sins, admit to defrauding us and come clean to the Police ?
Did he tell all about how he did business, lying to his clients to get them to part with their money knowing he couldn't deliver ?
Had he had a sudden flash of conscience about how he did business ?
Did the desk officer hear those Scouse tones: "All righty, I've come to admit to some seriously bad business dealings. I've done a lot of bad things and a lot of people have suffered"

No sadly not.

Tim Allan , ex-Managing Director SIP Construction Company, now with SIP PMC and all round Family Man went to the Police to make a complaint that I had threatened his family. Specifically his wife and daughters. Now why would he do this ? The letter - extract included below - was written on 29th January, almost three months ago, asking him to refund our kit costs or supply the the kit. Some threat - if it took that length of time for him to make his complaint.
I explained to the policeman who rang me up that they would be better arresting him for fraud and deception or at the very least for wasting police time.

The relevant extracts of the letter are copied below. Blog followers, if you read it carefully you will realise we will stop at nothing. We will even threaten him with his own lack of morality.

" I’m not going to appeal to your honesty or integrity, or comment on the breach of basic trust. Nor am I going to issue threats. We will not get involved in any kind of revenge campaign. We are simply asking you to refund our losses."

"I pointed out to Ken Tait that your primary legal duty as Director is to your creditors. Well you have a moral duty as well. This must be to Catriona and your daughters as well as your creditors. There is a very high risk that you will face criminal charges and a custodial sentence while we remain creditors. This can be avoided. If we are paid back or the kit is supplied then clearly, no offences will have taken place."

Ken Tait is/was Mr Allan's accountant and the only official route to communicate with Tim Allan as he has gone to ground.

Now, for the avoidance of doubt let me make it absolutely clear. We have not threatened Tim's family. Nor will we. We are just not like that. We know he has had debt collectors round knocking on his door all hours - but that is the result of his actions. There is a fair chance he might be doorstepped by any number of creditors or their agents.

We are deeply offended you should judge us by your own standards Tim. Yes, we know where you live, and yes, we do know an awful lot about you, much more than you are comfortable with for sure. Your Facebook picture isn't even funny.
But to tell you the truth, the biggest threat to your family is your own conduct, Tim.
You could have answered our letter, you could have tried to make sure we got our house kit but no - you just ignored it and hoped we'd go away. Pay us back Tim. Then we'll go away.