Sunday 6 September 2015

Slow but sure

We completed the internal timber framing before Easter and have been doing some fiddly bits - last week we finished the pitch pine panelling around the roof opening. THis required 72 bits of 10mm thick pitch pine joined at some interesting angles, plus holes for the ceiling lights, as the makeup show

We're well on with the first fix electrics now, and also about to plumb in the piping to the solar water collectors for our hot water. This has to be done in silver solder which has an annoyingly high working temperature of 630 Deg C. so needs a massive blast from the blow torch. Drylining boards arrive Tuesday. Here's a few pics

Saturday 3 January 2015

Insulating the roof. Spaceship Ardailly

layer 1 
half way there
We've just finished infilling the gaps with foam