Monday 13 April 2009

fixing a hole

The turning of the first sod is a momentous occasion. Your building plot loses its virginity. It is no longer unsullied, untouched by human hand. Our plot was first sullied by Ian and his digger three years ago or as the planning permission required an archaeological survey. On Gigha if you trip over a stone it is probably of archaeological interest. We have 12 Scheduled Ancient Monuments - the creme de la creme - and the archaeologists even missed the Fishermen’s Cave with its graffitti going back to before the Battle of Culloden. (they couldn’t find it amongst the bracken and the brambles). There are literally hundreds of sites on the island. Dun an Trinnse (fort of the trench) one of the 12 SAMS, is within sight. Ian sullied our plot again a couple of weeks ago. It will never be the same again, never just be a bit of grazing land in the corner of a field with a sea view. Our vision is going to be sculpted into the land and our house rise up from the ground. Very romantic - if you believe that sort of thing, but also back breaking, sleep losing, weight losing, money juggling and hopefully creating something positive that will outlive us and nestle into the landscape. We’ll see.

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