Monday 28 September 2009

here kitty kitty

There are loads of feral cats on Gigha - sure it doesn't do the bird population much good but the rats seem to co-exist quite happily with the cats. Over a few days as the summer ended and the nights were getting cooler we noticed a wee ginger kitten roaming round down at Ardailly. Only a few weeks old, it was starving, infested with ticks and had an eye infection. Letting nature take its course would have been one option but instead we rescued the kitten and put it in a cardboard box in our porch here at Kinnererach where it gradually recovered its strength on a diet of salmon.

It wasn't a greedy cat, was very affectionate and would break out into raucous purring that was on the Richter scale when it saw you. Now I'm a dog person though we always had cats when I was a kid. This cat took to me - it had a lovely character and the only reason why we did not keep it was because I am allergic to cats - or their fur anyway. The cat was duly taken to the cat rescue in Campbeltown and after the once over by the vet (we had already de-ticked it) was found a new home.

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