Friday 20 August 2010

road to nowhere

The Cabstar has been absent for over a week now getting a few repairs done and its shiny new MOT. Expensive and yet more timewasting. Just picked it up from Dumbarton - did you know David Byrne was born in Dumbarton and spent his early years there? Well, its a good two hours from here but the nearest Nissan garage.
On the way back we stopped overnight with Jayne's sister and extended family who had rented a holiday cottage near Ardrishaig and then headed home. There is an excellent fish place (no pun intended) in Tarbert where perchance we met up with Joe and Hannah. After making our purchase of fresh scallops and as it was Joe's birthday we ended up at KIlberry having a most excellent lunch before bombing back to Campbeltown - 50 odd miles just in time to stack up the truck with 30 x 50mm insulation boards and catch the last ferry home. The road to Kilberry is single track and one of the most beautiful in Scotland. We looked at a plot out there a few years ago. It is just about as far on with the build as we are at Ardailly. They found several metres of peat and have had a massive problem bogging down excavators which has delayed them enormously. So that was a narrow escape as our plot is altogether in a better position though still pretty tough logistically.

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