Monday 25 October 2010

weather or not

Well its getting colder, wetter and more windy. Forecast this week is for alternate days of heavy rain and light rain on the very wet BBC and one day of heavy rain and light showers on XC Weather. On Gigha most people use XC Weather. Gigha is in a wee rain shadow between the hills of Islay and Paps of Jura and the KIntyre ridge - we don't get as much rain as the reference stations on Kintyre or Islay. so the BBC usually overstates how much rain we're going to get and XC is more accurate, but occasionally understates.
Shuttering is finished for the wee roundhouse and half done for the sunspace so nearly there. Trouble is the site is very wet now and the finished strip foundations are getting submerged every day with ground water as the water table is up so I will not be able to do the blockwork without pumping out and hoping the cement goes off before it fills up again. Such are logistics of winter building.
We still have no central heating so it is very cold apart from the front room in front of the fire.
Worst of all is the clocks changing next weekend. I hate winter darkness. We have had two bright days where the sun has not set until 6:30 ish - losing an afternoon hour of daylight from next Sunday is a real pain.

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