Thursday 28 July 2011

Murphy's law of Self Building - Part 2

We filled the large roundhouse area of 113 sqm to a depth of about .75m after a horrendously busy weekend. That's 80 cubic metres plus. We aligned and fitted all the drainage but needed two 32mm elbows. This meant an early morning trip to Campbeltown. As soon as I returned we started backfilling this void. Murphy intervened and half an hour later a hydraulic hose blew.

Another trip to Campbeltown required 38 miles down the road in double quick time and we managed to get the material dumped in the roundhouse that evening.

We had to work quick as we needed Andy’s 3.5 tonne digger to distribute and level the space and he was needed elsewhere the next day.

At the same time we were waiting on parts for our wacker plate. This meant we had the roumndhouse floor area levelled by eye and it was 5cm too high so we had to screef off an area of about 50 sq m by hand that had been compacted by the digger. The weather was very hot and it took us several days and considerable fluid intake.

So we have weathered all sorts of setbacks – Murphy is a frequent visitor to Ardailly. Even the gremlins who serve the great god Google (what would Orwell made of this publishing phenomenon?) screwed up the original posting of this blog hence this edited reissue.

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