Friday 9 September 2011

workin' nine to five, tryin' to make a livin'

The next few days are day-job days even part of the weekend. Today was a teaching day - covering Music at Campbeltown Grammar School (actually non-selective), with Monday and Tuesday to follow, then energy job Weds. Have to also do a good few hours energy job over weekend too. This means we expect to start concreting on Thursday next week for two days, then fishfarm job for two days over the weekend and back to concreting until it is finished. Today was real fun as I had Higher and Advanced Higher Music half the day and some incredibly talented musicians to listen to and chat with. Unbelievably Led Zep are still a huge favourite and it was quite amusing to be told in all seriousness that Bonham was the best rock drummer ever by a sixteen year old - who did then accept that Keith Moon had his merits and that the two drummers of both Allmans and Genesis in full flow were also worthy. Of course he had never seen these acts but must spend a lot of time listening to 70s rock. I listened to a version of Satie's Gnossienes, as well as some excellent guitar playing. A young fiddle player of real talent just confirmed that Kintyre is not just a centre of excellence for pipers - it's a place full of music of all genres.
Anyway all this side-tracks us from our house building and juggling the need to make a living with actual construction but needs must.

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