Monday 6 September 2010

of C35 and foundations

We can't get ready mix to the plot and have just had almost 100 tonnes of concreting aggregate delivered to the plot. With some difficulty and damage to our driveway and grossing 28 tonnes a six wheeler, expertly handled by Steff, has tipped enough stone for founds and floors.
Today we got the pan mixer going and made almost 2 cubes in just a few hours before the rain set in. That is almost 4 tonnes in the trench.
No hand loading the mixer with shovels. JCB does that. No wheely barrowing. Tractor and mixer do that. Some delicate reversing to poise the mixer over the shuttered trench needed and poor Izzy tied up all afternoon as the wee dog does not have any conception of wet concrete. We did more in our first brief afternoon than we did in two days hand mixing so it has been worth the wait. The shuttering and levelling now takes twice as long as the concreting. C35 is our founds spec - basically 1'n'4 and we have been dutifully placing the reinforcing mesh 50mm from the bottom of the pour. I mix and Jayne rakes out and tamps down.
Tonight it rains and tomorrow it will rain but we have finally started building our house !

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