Monday 23 May 2011

does a gale have teeth ?

Its Monday afternoon and XC Weather is showing 35-57 knots SW gusting at Macrihanish which is slightly more sheltered than Gigha. Over the weekend we had torrential rain all day Saturday and some pretty blowy weather but nothing like today's gale - Malin was forecast Violent Storm Force 11 this morning at 5:30 - and that was the inshore forecast for Mull of Kintyre to Ardnamurchan.  Jayne and I were brought up in Pembrokeshire which is much more exposed than Gigha so we're used to it. But now we want to get our floors levelled and laid but can't - the weather in May - our Hebridean Spring - has pretty much brought us to a standstill this last week. 
Our two piles of 100mm insulation board in the yard ready for loading both blew over at 12:45 - a 2.4m x 1.2m board is pretty aerodynamic in a 50 knot gust. We've restacked now though in the lulls. Minimal damage as we caught them just in time. Mark is watching the shed roof lifting just down the road at Tarbert but Andy was still cutting grass - last we heard.
At least the power is back on.

1 comment:

  1. The Rescue Helicopter has lowered a winchman on to a ketch skittering around on its anchor in the bay. We had to fix stronger warps on our own cat to stop her blowing on the rocks at Gallochoile. It is relatively sheltered where she is but the south westerly is just hammering us. The tide has piled up in a surge. Everywhere there is smoke on the water - spoondrift as it is known here. It's so windy the wind is flattening the waves - sure sign of a F8 and above. Ardailly is just in a hollow from the south west and though the surf is rolling in on the Red Rocks and throwing up huge breakers it is not taking a direct hit.
