Sunday 15 May 2011

weather or not

It's a Scottish Spring on Gigha. Unlike the last three years when we had a very long dry spell  including almost all of May - it is showers every day - and some powershower raindrops. The forecast surface pressure map shows fronts coming across every 12 hours for the next four or five days. This means we will lose a good few days work as the site is very greasy and not great for JCB work and definitely no concreting floors. Kit put back till early July already and we can't afford too much more slippage but are totally weather dependent now.
Haven't heard our corncrake for a week or so so he must have gone elsewhere to seek a mate. Swallows abound and we have thrushes nesting under the eaves of the big shed. Bluebells have gone mad this year. On the ferry Thursday and everyone was feeling very weary - we think its the weather. It has been cold enough the last couple of days for us to have lit a fire in the evening too.
But its Spring and a wonderful time of year...

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