Monday 19 November 2012

one step forward....two steps back

It's mid November and we've been thwarted in our efforts to get the 9m roundhouse kit erected before 'fall breaks and back to winter' as the bard had it. Too risky once we had missed the summer window we had available.
It's all stored under cover now till Easter.

We've been equally thwarted in our efforts to get the sewage plant in the ground, concreted and backfilled.  Sadly the water table rose after a weekend of heavy rain in late summer and won't lower enough till Spring for us to pump out the hole, install the plant and backfill it before filling with water again.

We can't move forward until we can save enough to get the 9m kit up and the work situation has been a total farce this autumn. After two months teaching Maths, and I really  do enjoy working at CGS,  I made a change in direction to forestry management (as it was a permanent contract),  only for the Scottish government canceliing all the environment/management schemes I was going to work on, two days after I started.  Job over. It is actually a fair  more complicated than that,  but the full story is for another day.

This was the job that was going to allow us to get our mortgage and build back on track, so we really are two steps backwards. We can't decide whether its Jayne or I who did something really bad in a past life to deserve the terrible run of luck we are still having.
Still getting a few new people contacting me about Tim Allan, other people who have been ripped off by him, either trades or clients. He has left an awful  lot of people much worse off as a result of his dodgy business 'methods'. I've been told he moved house soon after the TV feature, and there are certainly a good few people trying to catch up with him.  He has certainly destroyed our project , irreparably for the time being.  He is still  working in the SIPS business,  for another company in Glasgow. His employers, SIP PMC, know of his track record. Strange world the construction industry. It certainly  seems to attract a very high proportion of cowboys.

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