Wednesday 2 January 2013

2013 'n' all that

It is 2nd January and has just stopped raining. We have to feed the sheep today and try to get the rest of the kit moved to a totally dry place as some panels have got wet this last week or two. Funnily enough we have had virtually no pure westerlies this autumn so the stored kit has been protected from the worst of the weather up til now. 

We do have enough bits of kit to put up the small 9m roundhouse which was to be the annex and then try to get it finished and move into it during 2013. As we do not have enough funds left from the damage done by Mr Tim Allan this will have to be finished as and when, unless there is a minor miracle.

2012 was a very bad year for us as, after we lost all the kit money and struggled to get some kind of justice or redress, we had major problems getting the missing splines made up for the kit due to supplier issues. We really have had far too many problems with building industry suppliers of whom a considerable number who seem to be ripoff merchants, unreliable, unable to meet the required quality or have poor customer relations.

We are still amazed that the law offers no protection. Anybody who knows how to play the system can run a business into the ground, either through incompetence or by corruption and will get away with it. Lets hope we make some headway with the powers that be in 2013 as their disinterest, unwillingness to act and lack of concern has been stunning up to now.


  1. have you watched the program currently airing on Quest. Tim Allan is building a holiday home on Loch Fyne at a cost of some £165,000. Thats where your money has gone!! These people should be jailed for fraud.

    1. This house was built several years ago just before his last company SIPit Scotland went down. It has never been finished and had no water or electricity so he doesn't have to pay council tax on it. Nor does he have a completion certificate from Building Control on it. Allegedly he used funds from his previous company to pay for the build. He is still working for SIP PMC - not a business we would recommend. We haven't given up on Mr Allan yet.
