Saturday 1 October 2011

the concrete fairy

As of Saturday evening we have about 62 sq m left to complete. It has rained every day since Wednesday and only one and half days work done last week, what with breakdowns and rain. We are aching all over from raking out tonnes of concrete up to 10m across the big roundhouse. We have suffered for our art. Jayne levelled the sections we have completed today and we are within a gnat's whisker of our tolerances (5-7mm across the 12m floor diameter). We have too many shrinkage cracks as it rained heavily on the wetter loads we used to tamp off with but these are mostly hairline and can be filled after the cure is complete. So our mixes ended up too wet in places. Scary though to see cracks in new concrete. All we want now is four days dry or the concrete fairy to magically pour the last third. Oh and the timing belt went on the car so our spell of good fortune continues...

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