Tuesday 4 October 2011

concrete wellies

The weather forecast is for gales and rain for the next forty eight hours and then showers, so there is little chance we'll get any more concreting done this week. We have dodged the showers the last two days but tractor problems have meant we have only managed two half days - with extended coffee breaks during squalls. Both days we have poured two cubic metres - about 4.5 tonnes wheelbarrowed right across the big roundhouse and placed for Jayne to rake out and level. All the floors are now filled up to the reinforcing. We will still take three days to finish as we have to wheelbarrow another 9 to 10 tonnes to the west side and beyond to the sunspace. And the weather is still against us. Force 8-10 gusts tomorrow and Thursday mean the ferry will probably be off too.
The concrete won't though as low temperatures and rain water on top of what we've laid will make the cure very slow.
Both of us are suffering aches and pains so this enforced break might be a chance to recover. Jayne has pins and needles in her right arm and probably tendonitis to accompany back pain. We are both tired and our combined age of 116 means we have slowed down a little.

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